14 Meal-Prep Hacks That’ll Save You Major $$$
Nothing dampens payday vibes like checking your account to see just how much cash goes towards funding your takeout habit. Eating out adds up — despite what legions of Instagram #foodies would lead you to believe. While we’re not suggesting the occasional avo toast will damn you to a lifetime of renting, there is merit in learning to make deliveries a less-frequent, well-deserved treat. How? Mastering the art of meal prep.
Believe it or not, planning and packing meals ahead of time is one of the simplest ways to trim down on spending; if done right, it can save frequent lunch buyers a couple thousand a year. Enough to catch your attention? Click through to uncover 14 hacks to help you actually stick with your brown-bagging goals — from asking your Google Assistant to cue up easy-to-make recipes to starting a lunch swap with your work pals. These tips are right on the money.