Going Brogue: Menswear-Inspired Shoes We LOVE

We admit it: Our fifth-grade selves were all, "Boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider." But, now that we've ditched those childhood simplicities (and the cooties), we're reconsidering our tune. In fact, the boys just might have us topped when it comes to this season's hottest footwear. From brogues and loafers to oxfords and smoking slippers, these menswear-inspired shoe styles are cropping up, well, everywhere.
And, to keep our shoe game on its toes, we're swapping our heels and feminine staples in favor of these slightly more androgynous buys. Which happen to be incredibly arch-friendly, by the way. When's the last time you were able to say that about a pair of pumps? While you think on that, take a look-see at 24 menswear-magical pairs we're itching to slip onto our feet. After all, we can't let the guys have all the fun.