Coming Soon To A Vogue Cover Near You: Michelle Obama

The best way to put D.C. on the style radar, even in the midst of Fashion Week buzz? That's easy: Just send a Vogue camera crew into the White House. Washingtonian — and subsequently, the rest of the Internet — was all aflutter yesterday after spying the mag's photo team (supposedly led by Annie Leibovitz — entering the presidential residence.
This will be MObama's second Vogue cover (if it's indeed a cover, and not an interior portfolio), after her initial debut in 2009. To fan the flames a bit more, the prez's public schedule was clear yesterday, meaning that he very well could have jumped into a few of the shots. While the original scoop claimed that the shoot was for the March cover, Styleite was quick to jump in (with a little snark, if we may say so ourselves) to say that's "very unlikely." Either way — whenever the first lady graces the cover, you can bet we'll be picking up a copy. (Washingtonian)

Photo: Courtesy of Vogue

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