Beauty Test Lab: Can This At-Home Gadget Give Us Perfect Skin?

When it comes to the pursuit of a glowing complexion, one that always leaves us looking a bit brighter is microdermabrasion. Generally available only through doctors and trained aestheticians, microdermabrasion treatments use a diamond-tipped wand to polish and vacuum away the skin's uppermost layer (read: dead skin cells that cause a dull, down-in-the-dumps complexion). After one treatment, you'll have baby-soft, smoother skin. Over the course of a few treatments, expect a reduction in fine lines, acne scars, and a host of other skin issues that truly drive us up the wall.
Microdermabrasion can work wonders, but with an average session costing between $75 and $150, getting buffed on the regular isn't cheap. Enter Riiviva Microderm, a handheld device that promises the same kinds of results as an in-office treatment. It's not the first gadget made for at-home use, but it's the first to use the same type of diamond tips used in clinics and medical spas.
So, could this be a game changer for those of us on a quest for perfect, hyper-glowy skin? For our latest Beauty Test Lab, beauty director and (in-office microderm fan) Annie took Riiviva for a spin. Watch the video to see how it fared, whether it's worth the investment, and if diamonds really are a girl's best friend.

Riiviva Microderm, $299, available at Riiviva.

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