Live From New York, It’s…Mitt Romney?

When we think of Mitt Romney, a lot of things come to mind: Brain Capital, Mormonism, Republican nominee, ridiculously low tax rate.... But we have to say, "funny" is one of the last words that we'd go with to describe the dry, often-awkward orator.
So, it goes without saying that he's not exactly the GOP 2012 frontrunner we'd peg for a Saturday Night Live hosting gig. But apparently, he's being courted for the sketch comedy show. His showbiz resumé doesn't exactly stack up like, let's say that of Mike Huckabee, who's settled comfortably in the Fox spotlight, or Sarah Palin, whose very existence proved comedy gold who scored her own reality show.
So, sue us, but we just figured that as the prince of American Motors (and let's face facts, the sharpest jaw line of the general election) that Mitt had all his funny bones removed and replaced with Grand Old American steel. But Mr. SNL himself, Lorne Michaels, just extended an offer to Romney's team, and our breath is seriously bated right now.
No answer yet, but in the mean time, what are your thoughts? Can a GOP-er drop punch lines with one of the most liberal troupes on TV? And what will Jason Sudeikis do when faced with the real-life Mitt? We're not sure, but we hope it's at least as good as that time Mark Wahlberg confronted Andy Samberg. (Gawker)

Photo: Via Gawker

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