The New Fashion Faux Pas You Should Never Commit

This post was originally published on April 14, 2015.
We stand by this: The kind of people who like to lay down the fashion law aren’t the ones we’re going to text from the fitting room. Yes, there are plenty of folks in the world who still believe that wearing black and blue together is a mortal sin, or that socks and sandals are the paragon of bad taste, but then again, there are people in the world who still believe that ice cream gives you nightmares or there’s only one right way to love. This group isn't particularly inspiring or supportive of anyone else's style joie de vivre.
The savvy among us know that the entire concept of fashion faux pas is fairly dicey, but that doesn’t mean there aren't certain items that elicit totally justified side-eyes. These are the fashion faux pas of 2015 — and while they might not look all that bad, they’re definitely a bad look.


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