A Week In Oakland, CA, On A $70,000 Salary

Photo: Getty Images.
Welcome to Money Diaries, where we're tackling what might be the last taboo facing modern working women: money. We're asking millennials how they spend their hard-earned money during a seven-day period — and we're tracking every last dollar.
Today for Money Diaries Month: a research associate who makes $70,000 per year. This week, she buys peonies and pays for a yurt rental.
Occupation: Research Associate
Industry: Nonprofit Public Health Policy
Age: 31
Location: Oakland, CA
Salary: $70,000
Paycheck (Biweekly): $1,689.21 after taxes and deductions
Monthly Expenses
Housing Costs: $1,000 to rent a studio apartment with my girlfriend. She pays $500; the split is relative to our incomes.
Loan Payments: $400. I'm on the Public Service Loan Forgiveness plan and am about halfway through.
All Other Monthly Expenses:
Cell Phone: $55
Gym Membership: $39
CSA Farm Share: $36. We receive a box of fresh, seasonal produce from a local organic farm every other week.
Savings: $400. I try to keep an emergency fund with a few thousand dollars in it.
Roth IRA: $406, matched up to 8% by my employer (already subtracted from my paycheck)
Health Insurance: $75. The remainder is covered by my employer.
Amazon Prime: $99/year
Netflix: $10. My family mooches off of me!
Internet: $50
Gas/Electric: $25 - $35
Laundry: $20. There are machines in our building and all tenants pay $20/month for unlimited laundry use.
Credit Card: $440 balance on a 0% APR card that I'm a few months away from paying off

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