Real Girl, Real Beauty: A Gal-About-Town Dishes On Glowy Skin Secrets

Every so often, we spy a woman with The Perfect Hair — you know, those shiny, bouncy, just-curled-enough tresses that are worthy of their own Pantene commercial. And every time, we ask ourselves the same burning question: How the heck does she get her strands to do that?
For us, more often than not, that woman is girl-about-town Monica Garcia. With impossibly glossy locks, glowing olive skin, and to-die-for wardrobe, it's safe to say that the Maryland native has got her personal style on lock. So naturally, we had lots of questions to ask her. To remedy that, we spent a sunny morning discovering how the 28-year-old masters "wavy, dry, and frizzy" hair and where she scores discounted Alexander McQueen in Washington (yep, you're gonna want that tidbit!). Click through to meet this so-sweet style maven and pick up a few new tricks along the way.
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