Beauty Rituals To Help Nix The Winter Blues

The days are finally getting longer, yes, but with Old Man Winter indefinitely tap-tapping on your windowpane, it’s hard not to develop a case — however big or small — of the winter blues.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that's generally more severe in the winter months. “The ‘winter blues’ are less severe, but can still cause havoc in your daily life,” says Jennifer Howard, PhD, a New York City-based psychotherapist. “Many people might feel tired, a little down, or want to stop work at 3 p.m. Maybe they find themselves sleeping and eating more, or socializing less. Maybe they feel blah, but they don’t have full-blown depression.”
If you’re habitually feeling depressed, we highly recommend consulting your physician. But if you're suffering from a winter slump, things like adding a little more light to your life or planning a girls' night of pampering could help, too. Ahead, some little beauty rituals that will help you feel better.

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