When #WokeUpLikeThis Goes Wrong

Is it just us, or is the whole #WokeUpLikeThis thing a load of crap? Unless you’re actually Beyoncé, chances are, your first-thing-in-the-morning face looks a little rough around the edges. At least, ours does. We just don’t have time for the kind of 17-step nighttime regimen that causes one to wake up with angel skin and Gisele hair. Does anyone?
Sure, we could make an effort to go to bed earlier in order to look less like swamp monsters in the a.m. — but there's so much life to live. So, yes: Sometimes, we don't remove our eyeliner all the way, and sometimes we don't wash our hair for a day or two longer than is recommended. Hey, we're really busy and kind of lazy.
Luckily, we built this city on lazy-girl tips and tricks — and we firmly believe that there's no beauty disaster you can't remedy with a clever hack or two. So, we called in hairstylist Clay Nielsen and makeup artist Anthony Tulve, told them our most common #WokeUpLikeThis woes, and asked them to come up with easy, fast fixes that could make you selfie-ready at 7 in the morn' on a Monday — if you're into that kind of thing. But, more importantly, there will be no more jumping in the shower and starting from scratch every single day.
Click through and prepare to have your morning issues solved.

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