10 Pricey Salad Toppings To Avoid

This post was originally published on April 9, 2015.
Your neighborhood salad bar might not always see you at your best. These quick, self-service lunches are where we run to for a midday meal, a 10-minute break in between meetings and checking emails. It might even be a mid-afternoon pit stop, after you skipped breakfast and lunch.
Still, salad bars a minefield of choices — and the last thing you want to do is make more decisions. But, go wrong, and you can end up with a $14 bowl of unhealthy chaos. 
So, we're trying to make it easier for you. Last month, we gave a master class in saladbarology (real word, look it up), and now, we're breaking it down even more. Assuming you want two things — health and value — not all salad bar toppings are created equal. Some are super healthy...and some less-so. Some are great value (hello, avocado) while others are not (when paying by weight, those bulky items add up!).
To help, we've pulled out 10 potentially costly mistakes you could be making when it comes to salad toppings. Click through for the worst 10 ingredients you could be adding to your lunch.
Hannah Howard contributed reporting.


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