These Are The Most Stressful Jobs In The U.S.

Illustrated by Jenny Kraemer.
We've already covered the jobs with the highest and lowest rates of depression (sorry, bus drivers). Now, we can take a look at how our jobs' stress levels compare as well. Thanks to CareerCast, we have a ranking of the most and least stressful jobs in the U.S.
To assess each job, CareerCast looked at a bunch of factors — such as physical demands, required travel, employee competition, and employee visibility in the public eye. 
The winners? On one end of the spectrum, firefighters apparently have the number-one most stressful job in the U.S. Enlisted military personnel and military generals are in the second and third spots, respectively. Police officers rank fifth, followed immediately by actors (who knew?). Reporters ranked 10th.
At the other end of the rankings, working as a hair stylist was deemed the least stressful career. Although CareerCast admitted that stylists' entrepreneurial need to hustle can certainly be stressful, their one-on-one interactions and long-term relationships with clients are likely rewarding enough to make it all worth it. In second place were audiologists; in third place were tenured university professors. Seamstresses took seventh place, and dietitians eighth.
As with the rates of depression in different jobs, burnout could be a cause and outcome of stress here. But, even those of us who aren't among our city's bravest and most stressed-out can still benefit from checking ourselves for workaholism, taking a day off from email, and maybe even booking a massage.

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