22 Snaps Of Limitless Style From FLAUNT Mag’s Fashion Editrix

[UPDATE: This story was originally published on November 8.]
Amidst all the noise pollution of "experts" and wannabe stylists in this town, once in a blue moon you'll find a quiet presence whose vibe alone explodes louder than dynamite. These non-self-promoting rarities almost seem like fictitious characters from utopian pre-Zoe show days of yore — their souls fed by flying solo, and their work reflecting that dedication.
When we met Mui-Hai (pronounced "moy hay") Chu at a recent party, her subtle glamour seemed almost foreign (although channeling Kate Lanphear-meets-Dali). The Reno-born gal's part of that elusively enlightened FLAUNT clique — the fashion editor to be exact — so it's no surprise that nonconformity pumps through her veins. After our curiosity reached a fever pitch, we went out on a limb and invited ourselves into her world (and DTLA pad). What we found inside was a beatnik's dream loft packed with a compendium of far-out art and wares you won't find elsewhere. Click through for a walk-through of this with-it girl's loft, and we're sure you'll agree: Her. Style. Slays.

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