As any pro napper can tell you, there's an art to getting the perfect short-term snooze: Temperature, timing, and location are all key details. Thankfully, the new NapAnywhere device has arrived to make it easier to snag those crucial ZZZs.
Successfully Kickstarted last summer, the NapAnywhere was created by Ravi Shamaiengar, MD, as an alternative to those bulky, U-shaped airport neck pillows that are never quite as supportive as you want them to be. Instead, the NapAnywhere unfolds into a kind of neck-brace/scaffold between your chin and shoulder, with a strap to hold it in place. (Though, that strap could present messenger-bag-like difficulties for those of us who are a bit bustier.) This video gives a better idea of what the unfolding process is like, with a bonus cameo from an adorable child.
And, as obsessed as we are with the Ostrich head pillow and its lighter cousin, the NapAnywhere system seems like it would be just a tad easier to integrate into normal human life. Gizmodo even suggests pulling a hoodie over it to steal a quick stealth-nap. So, fear thou not the public snooze, and nap on.
Click through to see what the NapAnywhere device looks like in action.