Why Aren't You Watching These Netflix Hidden Gems Yet?

Remember the feeling of flipping through channels aimlessly, and not landing on anything interesting enough to stop scrolling? Two hundred channels, and nothing to watch. Sometimes, despite its plethora of instantly streamable options, browsing Netflix feels the same as being stuck in cable purgatory. You can look through pages' worth of color-saturated thumbnails and still think there's nothing to watch.
But you would be wrong. Netflix is a treasure trove. You just have to know where to look. Step one: Bypass the content chosen precisely for you and your tastes by Netflix's all-knowing algorithm, and listen, instead, to the recommendations of friends. You know — those people who are pestering you to watch that off-kilter Danish show, or that short-lived British comedy, or that cult comedy finally nominated for an Emmy. They're probably right.
We've selected the hidden gems of Netflix, which are usually floating just below your line of sight. Here are the movies and TV shows you aren't watching, but should be.

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