I Tried 37 Different Makeup Trends — & Here's What They All Looked Like
Last Updated February 20, 2018, 6:30 PM
Photo: Via @mianne.chan.
Last year, I had a bit of a revelation. I looked at my makeup stash and saw dozens of nearly identical products — an avalanche of neutral palettes, hoards of black eyeliner, 30+ red lipsticks. That may sound like a treasure trove to some, but it left me feeling uninspired. It was the same as looking into the closet and feeling like you have absolutely nothing to wear despite 16 dresses suggesting otherwise.
So I decided to "spring clean" my makeup wardrobe and encourage myself to use products and techniques I would have otherwise shied away from. I committed to trying 37 different trends over a two-month period — and it gave me a reason to use the bright orange, blue, and pink shadows that hadn't gotten any love before.
And guess what? I don't see myself stopping anytime soon. Ahead, see all the looks I whipped up.