10 Secrets To Creating Amazing Outfits Every. Single. Day.

Photographed by Bobby Whigham
Some of us wake up in the morning, grab the nearest pair of boyfriend jeans off the floor, and preserve our creative juices for deciding what to eat for breakfast (guilty). Others, however, get out of bed, pull together a leopard coat, orange pants, and metallic clogs, and saunter out the door like it ain't no thang. We'd be lying if we said we weren't a little envious of the second group. Who are these women, and how do they casually breeze into the day looking like that — all before the first cup of coffee?
Today, we meet them. Artist Camilla Engstrom, stylist Kamaryn Potter, and designer Mengly Hernandez have the effortless élan thing so down pat, you'd think it must be something in their genes or drinking water. But, there is hope for those of us who fall victim to the easy-peasy allure of boyfriend jeans: Behind their innate creativity and spot-on instincts, there is a method to their outfit madness, and we're extracting that dressing strategy ahead. From layering dresses over wide-legged pajama pants to amping up a white T-shirt with a Muppet-like jacket to tying a scarf around a colorful Coach Swagger Bag, these women know a thing or 10 about the easiest ways to make sure your everyday look is always on. Soak up their style smarts, right this way.


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