This Superstar Makeup Artist Is REALLY Passionate About Fixing Your Makeup Mistakes

By nature, the beauty industry can be a very vain place. Beneath all the pretty hair and makeup, there's also quite a few outsized personalities from the pros responsible for those beauty looks. Peacocking is commonplace and egos can run unchecked — it's rare to see a big-time makeup artist or hairstylist put themselves out there and approach beauty from a less serious, self-righteous place.
Except, of course, if you're Nick Barose. The man behind the makeup of many an A-List star (including one newly minted Lancôme face) is nothing if not humble and charming — and insanely talented, of course. Barose came to us with an idea: He wanted to show women some of the more common makeup mistakes they were making, and give them his expert advice on how to do things properly. Pretty standard stuff, right?
Well, in typical form, Barose took things to a different (much more fun) level and demonstrated those cosmetics taboos on himself, via some pretty cheeky Instagram photos. From faux lashes to highlighter abuse, he covers it all with absolutely no shame. While the photos themselves are hilarious, the tips are also pretty spectacular, so click through for an evening giggle and to pick up a new trick or two.


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