10 Indie Brands Worth Saving Up For

There's something about fast fashion that makes it impossible to quit. And if you shop the same major retailers as we do, you know exactly what we mean: the too-cheap prices, the high turnover that tackles every trend right as it rises to popularity, the utter convenience of it all. But at the same time, if you've ever saved up for a non-fast fashion splurge, you know how rewarding it can be. The noticeably higher quality, the special feeling you get from buying something you know was worth it — and when you get that first investment item, it's impossible to not wonder why you bothered to buy 15 not-quite-right approximations first.
Even though it's difficult to picture a world without fast fashion altogether, it is important to shed light on the amazing brands maintaining their quality, ethics, and aesthetics in a world of mass consumption. While the price tags may be higher, the 10 labels ahead are worth every penny. Click through to see the indie shops we're eyeing.