So, the editors at Gothamist think they've got the NYC apartment horror story game on lock. And though it's not necessarily a competition we want to win, a little sloped floors, a bathtub in the middle of the kitchen, and an illegal gambling ring still has nothing on our dirt (literally). Gothamist reports that a woman looking to move into a $500 bedroom on Mott between Grand and Hester was faced with a co-inhabiter that was into gambling...on Mahjong games. Even after asking her landlady to stop, the reply was only, "Let me have my games for awhile. I'll stop eventually." Though comers and goers and gamblers alike make this apartment tale a headache (to say the least), we'd like to remind you all of the Meat Man — that's right, the guy who found a doll stuffed with leftovers under his ex-roommate's bed. Re-familiarize yourself with this traumatizing story and remember: If the price is too good to be true, it probably is. Dish us your apartment secrets in the comments below. (Gothamist)
Photo: Via Gothamist