New Bondage-Type Jewelry We Could Really Get Into

Toss aside those ladylike links, the newest jewelry line to drop in the West Village has got an edge. MAL, the creation of sculpture-turned-designer Marisa A. Lomonaco, puts an aggressive (we're almost scared) spin on jewelry. We're particularly obsessed with MAL's collection of bronze and leather cuffs, some with details of sterling silver and gunmetal that could possibly be used in some sort of bondage ritual—not that we would know. Indeed, also a part of the MAL line—which appropriately means bad in French—are spiked rings and leather collars for those who dare. We love the appeal of pretty hardcore, make that pretty and hardcore, jewelry.
Available at Sucre, 357 Bleecker Street (between Charles and West 10th street); 212-352-1640.
Are you up for it? Click through to see some of the highlights from the just-released collection.

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