It's winter, which means hibernation time! We know you need some extra padding, so go ahead, you have our permission to gain a little cold-weather insulation. And, if you're going to add a tiny bit of extra poundage, do it the right way, i.e. put down those Doritos and the Diet Coke. Instead, focus on feeding yourself yummy, homemade meals that will make you feel full but not foul. To aid you in your eating odyssey, we called up all our choice local chefs from NYC's raddest restaurants to give us the skinny (no pun intended!) on some wintry, relatively easy-to-make dishes you can create in the comfort of your own home. From a Bloomdsay mac'n'cheese from Wall & Water to a celery pot pie courtesy of The Fat Radish, we think this mini cookbook will sate you in style. And, hey, if you're not into getting your hands dirty, we won't judge you if you decide to book a table.
Click through for 5 delicious, wintry recipes from NYC's hottest restaurants you can make yourself!