The 50+ Best Beauty Memes We Always Retweet

Working in the digital media space, we come across a ton of both bizarre and hilarious GIFs, Vines, and photos on the daily. (Seriously, check any R29 employee's email and you'll find it riddled with GIFs in response to everything from a fellow staffer's TV appearance to news that there's pizza in the kitchen.) The creativity and ridiculousness always manages to amaze us, and we not-so-secretly wish we had the skills, wit, and, well, time to create them as our full time jobs.
Of course, our favorite memes fall into the beauty category. They're (mostly) friendly, funny jabs at the hair and makeup problems so many of us deal with, and serve as subtle reminders not to take ourselves too seriously. Click through to check out some of our favorite memes — we're sure you'll find one or 20 you can relate to.

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