It’s easy to get comfortable in your daily routine, particularly online, where you share things with your networks of friends and followers on a regular basis. But between public social networks and public Wi-Fi networks, you may not realize quite how much you could be sharing with complete strangers.
On Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, your innocuous (and FOMO-inducing) vacation updates may actually be a security concern — especially if you’re posting them from a bustling coffee shop.
“The major hazard with public Wi-Fi is the fact that all the information you’re available to everybody on the network,” David Maimon, University of Maryland Assistant Professor in Criminology and Criminal Justice, told Digital Trends. Others can listen in to your private conversations, learn your passwords, or gain control of your online accounts.
So here’s a list of nine bad habits you should ditch immediately in order to keep your digital self safe.
This article originally ran September 4, 2015.