How To Have An Adult Apartment (& Life!) In 2016
Last Updated March 6, 2016, 6:40 PM
There are few things more daunting than coming home to a messy apartment. I, for one, may have a tendency to "clean" things up off of the bedroom floor by stacking them in a giant pile on the bed. A mess is the last thing you want to face at the end of a long day.
But, for a lot of people, a perfectly organized apartment seems like too much to ask for. I'm here to tell you that it's not! To prove it, I asked professional organizer Laura Cattano to craft a three-week plan that will empower you to tackle your clutter, your mess, and your secret shame. (Maybe some of us have a tendency to eat entire pints of ice cream while Hulu-ing The Mindy Project instead of cleaning. There's an action plan for that.)
Click through for our thoughts on everything from DVD collections to under-bed storage — and get started exorcising your downsizing demons just in time for the new year.