50 Gorgeous Dresses To Wear To 50 Events

It's not quite Halloween, but if you dive into your inbox, you're probably already deep into RSVPs for the biggest event season of the year. Yes, already. Pretty soon, carols will be jingling in nearly every public place and your pumpkin spice latte will turn into a peppermint mocha. This means you've got one thing to worry about (aside from gift shopping and PSL withdrawal): your dress strategy.
No, you can't wear the same frock to every single event. You wouldn't trot out that black-tie gown for your cousin's post-Thanksgiving gathering, would you? Would you don that glittery New Year's Eve number for your mid-December work party? No. So, we've done the grunt work for you and rounded up 50 perfect dresses for 50 occasions sure to be filling up your iCal. Click through to find the one (or 10!) to carry you through 2014's final string of shindigs.