The Ultimate Guide To Asking For A Raise — & Actually Getting One
You talk a big game in your head. You know exactly how hard you work, how you’ve gone above and beyond your job description, and how much money you should be making. But when it comes to actually asking for that raise, you need more of a game plan than whatever impassioned points you’re hitting in the group text.
There are so many factors that go into successfully asking for more money at work, but the good news is, most of them are within your control. Everything from timing to the way you frame your ask to how you enter the room can affect your boss’ decision. That’s why, to help set you up for success, we partnered with SoFi, a finance company that not only helps you save money but earn more too via its Get That Raise tool. Together, we tapped millennial career expert Jill Jacinto for some tips on how to absolutely kill it when asking for a raise — and also make sure you actually get one. Read ahead for her 11 best tips, and then go get what you deserve.