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Salary Story: I Make $203,000 As A VP — & Write Fiction On The Side

Illustration of a woman with a book on a colourful background.
Illustrated by Vivienne Shao.
In our series Salary Stories, women with long-term career experience open up about the most intimate details of their jobs: compensation. It’s an honest look at how real people navigate the complicated world of negotiating, raises, promotions and job loss, with the hope it will give young people more insight into how to advocate for themselves — and maybe take a few risks along the way.
Been in the workforce for at least five years and interested in contributing your salary story? Submit your information here.
Age: 44 
Location: New Jersey
Current industry and job title: VP of communications at a nonprofit, and fiction writer
Current salary: $203,000 (salary) + $15,000 (book income)
Number of years employed since school or university: About 22
Starting salary: $35,000
Biggest salary jump: From $120,000 base (plus $15,000 bonus) to $180,000 base (plus $25,000 bonus). This was a promotion from senior director of communications to VP of communications. 
Biggest salary drop: From $190,000 (with 25% bonus) to $180,000 (with 14% bonus). I’ve taken a pay cut exactly once: when I left a corporate role to join a nonprofit organization.
Biggest negotiation regret: The job that required me to accept my biggest salary drop was initially designated to pay me even less ($150,000 base). After several interviews, I withdrew from consideration, citing the salary as my primary reason. They had been very upfront that the band was capped at $150,000 for equity reasons, and I believed them — I truly wasn’t trying to play a game! 
But they were very excited by my candidacy and came back, saying they were willing to up-level the role for me. There was a series of somewhat chaotic emails flying at me from the head of HR, all during a busy workday for me, so I wasn’t fully focusing and was surprised at the turn of events. They asked me to name a number, and in retrospect I should have asked for more time to consider so I could really think about it. Instead I threw out $180,000, and they accepted. I deeply regret that move. 
Best salary advice: There’s always more money available for talented staff. Period. That’s why I’ve always strived to make myself valuable, to build relationships, to be positive at work — usually, it pays off financially.

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