Check Out The Other Side Of L.A. Life With Our Handy Valley Tour!

Much like the rivalry between the Trojans and the Bruins, there's always been some heat around the topic of the Valley — every Angeleno seems to have an opinion to share (or overshare!). But, no matter which side of the mountains you call home, we think it's time we all just got along and basked in our sun-drenched surroundings, together.
Because, the truth is, if haters spent a bit of time actually touring the area, they could maybe — just maybe — grow fond of the massive ravine. We're taking those very steps ourselves, and showing the area some love! By no means would we call ourselves experts, but after logging a few weeks playing in that neck of the woods, we've uncovered 26 hot spots totally worth visiting. So, keep an open mind, click through, and we hope to see you over the hill…maybe this weekend?

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