The Most Instagrammed Breakfast Spots In S.F.

If there's one meal you can't afford to miss while you're in San Francisco, it has got to be breakfast. Not only is it the most important meal of the day, the City by the Bay has quite an eclectic (and delicious) array of restaurants to explore.
September officially marks National Breakfast Month, and there’s no better way to celebrate than by getting a hearty meal at any of these local establishments. Though it’s not uncommon to encounter long waits, as well as lines out the door, you can trust any S.F.-er who says it will be more than worth it to get a meal that's complete with all the works.
From wacky doughnut sandwiches to the quintessential mimosa, morning meals in S.F. have never looked so good. Take a look at 10 breakfast spots that will easily steal the heart of your taste buds. Oh, yeah, don’t forget an empty stomach — you’re going to need it.


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