Save BIG On Coffee Now, Retire Rich Later (Yes, Really)

Photographed by Alexandra Gavillet.
A recent study found that nearly half of millennials spend more on coffee than they save towards their retirement every year. And that's not exactly good news. When you consider that socking away just $8 a day starting at age 28 can actually help you retire a millionaire, ignoring your savings — even in your 20s — is a huge mistake.
While there are lots of ways to boost your savings now that don't require cutting back on a daily latte, the study got us thinking about ways you could boost savings from your coffee fund. If you use our hacks, and put the $5 you were dropping at Starbucks in the bank, you could boost your savings by as much as $1,000 a year, easily.
Click through to see our five favorite tips for saving while getting your caffeine fix. (Don't worry, we're not going to tell you to give up coffee completely — we're not monsters!)

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