Here's How To Save $$ On Food Without Changing Your Routine

photographed by Rockie Nolan.
The seasons are a-changing. (Or at least they should be.) Spring is fast approaching and what we really want is to go full starfish on a warm sandy beach somewhere. But vacations cost major cash — major cash that we didn't necessarily do the best job of saving this winter.
Sure, we all want to cut down on costs — especially when it comes to our weekly food budget. But, if we're being really honest, we're not always the best at actually making those money-saving changes when it requires making big adjustments to our usual routines. So, how exactly does one save without really doing anything at all? Does such a thing exist? Can it be done?! Well we're here to share with you there are some saving tips that require little to no actual effort. The trick is finding ways to make minor shifts within your already established food spending habits. You won't save as fast as you would if you cut out any of these costs altogether, but every dollar counts!
That's right, we won't be telling you to up your cooking-at-home-chef-skills or suggesting that you turn into a total hermit and swear off drinking and dining out. (Although, if you want to take a more extreme approach, both of those ideas will produce results!) Instead, these eight tips will teach you how to pinch some extra pennies while still staying within your Seamless and Sunday brunch comfort zones.

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