20 Easy Ways To Save When You Have NO $$$

A white elephant gift here, a Cyber Monday splurge there. Then, the bar tab from the last-minute holiday happy hour with your work wife. All of a sudden, your bank account balance is taking a major nosedive. Before you panic, know that it's absolutely possible to stop the free fall and even save money during the holidays.
We rounded up the best savings hacks for when you truly feel broke AF. They don't require you to eat a sad desk salad every single day and they do allow you to socialize with your friends. Best of all, they give you the opportunity to shore up your spending habits so you're on an awesome track for 2017.
We'll admit some of the advice is a little out-there, but that's the biggest, weirdest truth about savings: Some tactics seem nuts, but if they work for you, they work. Incorporate some into your own life and enjoy a savings account that's at least a little more flush during the most expensive time of the year.

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