The Sephora Products You Didn't Know Existed

Canada is great, eh? And I'm not just saying that because I'm Canadian. The home of the maple leaf has its perks — Tim Hortons, poutine, public-funded healthcare, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau... After a tumultuous start to 2017, many of us living stateside have looked to the Great North with pangs of jealousy. And, not to give you another reason to say, "Screw this! I'm moving to Canada!" but we've got one: Sephora.
Turns out that the beauty mecca just past the border is packed with exclusives you can't find here. And by that I mean dozens of products (and even a few brands) you can only get if you make the trek north. What's more? Today, the retailer has even more deals to nab in honor of Canada's 150th birthday. Check 'em out in the slides ahead.

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