Come to think of it, everything we know about fashion we learned from the The Children's Television Workshop.
Watch out, Williamsburg—there's twice as much Deyn walking your streets.
Pasties for kids? Someone call child protective services.
There was a bomb scare in a hotel in Nice today, which isn't funny. The evacuation, however, forced Jean-Paul Gaultier to flee the danger zone in a white dressing gown, which IS funny.
Rumor confirmed: Dasha Zhukova is preggers.
Some sharp entrepreneur has launched a site and model agency for amputees. God bless 'em.
Lady Gaga dresses with due respect and an eye toward religious morays while touring The Holy Land—then announces she's off to get plastered in the nearest bar.
"I thought, 'oh my god do I really look like that everyday?' I need less hair, less makeup, less everything. I can't even watch it. It was way too much of everything. Why didn't anyone tell me I looked like that?"—Rachel Zoe on watching her show, The Rachel Zoe Project. Rachel, do those who know you a favor and don't change a thing.
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More Posts: Deals of the Day: Built by Wendy, Wish You Were Here, Oak, Feature, and More Guess Who? Lara Stone Gets A Good-Girl Makeover for Vogue Paris