Yes, You Can Wear A Suit In The Summer

It can be pretty harsh to turn over your summer wardrobe and realize some of your favorite pieces are going to have to wait until things cool off again. Those corduroys, turtlenecks, and wool blazers might be your fall and winter uniform, but come May, it's time to lighten up, or suffer the (sweaty) consequences. But in the case of suits, which have hands-down been one of the most ubiquitous trends over the past year, there's no need to pack up those separates for the next three months — you just have to shift your approach.
With so many cute, '80s-inspired short suits on the market, it's easy to make the look work for steamy subway platforms and broken-AC days at the office. And whether you go the new or vintage route, or just you can hang onto the lighter-weight blazers you already have and find shorts that match, you'll feel sophisticated and weather-appropriate with practically no effort.
If you thought suits were done-for, think again. Click on for the summer-ready short suits we're loving.