The EASY Spaghetti Recipe That Will Impress All Your Friends

Spaghetti, despite what the movies may tell you, is often best enjoyed at home, and alone — not on a first date. From the safe comfort of your couch, you can pile on the cheese, make a fool of yourself by twirl-splashing the noodles on your fork, and still head back to the kitchen for seconds.
Thus, we would humbly like to suggest the end-all-be-all at-home pasta recipe, spaghetti al limone with rosemary. Sure, it sounds fancy, but it's a ruse; this is nothing but a warm, simple plate of pecorino cheese, lemon, garlic, and grains. And, it's just five steps to make. Make it tonight for your solo date with the Gilmore girls — or, if you're really into someone, send an invite for some noodle-slurping à deux.

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