Turns out Kanye West is better at stomping on Taylor Swift's dreams than styling his sweetheart for Elle.
Flavorwire parses the meaning and method behind Lady Gaga's various VMA ensembles.
Tom Ford's A Single Man premieres in Venice. Wish we were there.
How many shopping bags did you see filled up on Fashion's Night Out? Two? Three?
Chris Wilson does all that he can to squire a few precious minutes of interview time with Leigh Lezark at the Dossier party, only to learn to his chagrin that she's exactly as interesting as advertised.
Mrs. Smitten is back from her honeymoon!
Courtney Love on Alex Wang's Chelsea garage stage performing "Bette Davis Eyes"—kismet!
If ever you find yourself about to complain about the various inequities of New York Fashion Week, just remember you're lucky not to be a model in Iceland.
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