Video: Is This The Weirdest NYC Love Story Ever?

We love New York as much as the next guy, but we certainly don't hold as much affection for the Statue of Liberty as Amanda Liberty (last name — coincidence?), who has a condition that's made her fall, quite literally, in love with the NYC landmark. After a long-term relationship with her drumkit, a two year relationship with a human boyfriend, and a love triangle with said BF and lovely Lady Liberty, Amanda has left it all to enter into a long-distance relationship with the statue. Though she is attracted to geometric shapes, Amanda insists she only "cuddles" with the inanimate objects that she loves. And rest assured, she has figurines, a replica torch, and plenty of other Liberty paraphernalia to remind her of her trans-continental girlfriend. But don't even try to knock Amanda's relationship, she says she's on cloud nine, and even credits the Statue of Liberty for her recent 56-pound weight loss (whatever works!). Check out the full video below, and tell us if there's ever been any thing you could like this much or if this qualifies as Crazy, Stupid Love?

Photo and video: Via YouTube


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