First Boo was turned into a stuffed animal, and now another Bay Area icon, the late, great Steve Jobs, has been turned into a doll of sorts.
It seems an eerily realistic 12" plastic toy, depicting the Apple god in all of his black-turtlenecked glory is being produced by a company called InIcon. And they're hawking the dolls for $100 a pop.
Head over to the manufacturers' site to scope out the mini-Steve from a variety of angles, and take in all of the impressive, scaled-down accessories (see below), including a pair of worn-in dad jeans, gray New Balances, three sets of hands (silver wedding band included), glasses, a pair of red apples (one with a bite taken out of it), a stool, and a presentation backdrop scrawled with the words "One More Thing." Shoppers who want to add on a super-tiny iPhone 4, first-edition Mac, and iPad, will have to pay extra.
The site indicates that first orders will be shipped out in February, but, naturally, Apple doesn't seem too happy about all of this. According to
The Telegraph
, the Cupertino company that Jobs built is threatening legal action against InIcon for using the likeliness of its founder, which Apple says it owns.
Lawsuits aside, the question remains: Would you or anyone you know buy this doll? Or is it all in bad taste? Let us know your take in the comments!

Photos: Via InIcon