1. EAT.
Like three meals a day and two snacks. Protein (chicken, fish, tempeh, cheese), whole grains (quinoa, oatmeal, brown rice), warm, steamed vegetables, and healthy fats, like avocado and olive oil are not only good for your skin and digestion, they’re also great for your mood. Snacks like string cheese, raw nuts, apples, berries and full-fat yogurt will keep your blood sugar stable and your mood elevated, even when your mother-in-law is acting like a monster. Stay away from sugar and white flour and caffeine — you’ll pay for it later when you crash and feel crappy.
A lot. At least eight hours a night. Sleep heals. A few goods nights worth of honest REM goodness will put some pink in your cheeks, reduce the bags under your eyes, and help you to stay perky and ON IT while reviewing your (snooze) sitting chart for the eightieth time.
Not like, three times a day, and please avoid taking multiple classes that have the word “soul”, “fly,” or “core” in them. But definitely raise your heart rate and work up a sweat. Even if it’s a quick walk in the park, jumping up and down to a dusty exercise DVD, or enrolling in a few dorky ZUMBA classes. Even though finding time to exercise can be very annoying, it’s actually one of the easiest routes to a sense of inner peace.
With your best friends. Like laugh hard and inappropriately for hours over multiple cups of tea. There is nothing as attractive as a woman who looks very, very happy. Enough said.
Like zone out, stoner-style. Call in sick, put on your sweatpants, twist your hair into your messiest bun, and spread yourself out on the couch like a big ol' potato. Whether it’s “The Bachelor” or an Ashton Kutcher rom-com or a tabloid with Kanye on the cover, turn off your brain and relax. Absolve yourself of any guilt that doing absolutely nothing can sometimes induce. Sometimes, you need to just shut it down NOW in order to rev it up down the line.
In Epsom Salts or relaxing lavender essential oil or even a huge, Dynasty-style bubble bath. Lock the bathroom door, light a candle or two and allow your body to feel floaty and clean and free. It might seem kind of old-lady-like, but the truth is, relaxing in a tub of warm water is a guaranteed way to put your mind and muscles at ease.
Image: Via Victoria's Secret