6 Beauty Rituals That Are Just As Relaxing As Taking A Bath

When it comes to washing our bods, Americans seem to prefer a speedy shower. But that doesn't mean we can't still enjoy the soothing, healing, and restorative powers of a nice bath from time to time — or does it?
If you're cooped up in a tub-less, shoebox city apartment or happen to live with a handful of roommates who have a collective adversity to Clorox, dipping into a tub may not be an option — or at least not one that seems like more of a luxury than a liability.
Not to worry, your time to marinate in a tub filled with bubbles, epsom salts, or even rose petals will undoubtedly come. But until then (or if you just don't have the time for a proper soak), we've figured out a few ways for you to get the benefits of a bath without ever having to run one.

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