How To Actually Soothe Super-Stressed Skin

Your psyche isn't the only part of you that feels the heat when you're under pressure. Your skin — and particularly your complexion — can get as stressed-out as a CEO. Only, stress on the skin manifests a little differently. Maybe your go-to beauty products are starting to feel uncomfortable. Perhaps they even sting a little. Or your makeup doesn’t sit well. There might be flakes, a few pimples, and even red patches.
“When your skin starts to change for the worse, you need to rethink your whole regimen to help it correct,” says dermatologist Amy Taub, MD. Whatever the reason — a grueling work schedule (stress!), back-to-back weddings (booze!), gajillions of car-exhaust particles floating around (pollutants!) — the fix is the same. Take a breath. Simplify. And then, break out the big guns. Ahead, our favorite doctors share their go-to products for when skin starts to flip out.

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