Hear The Subway Announcer Say (Almost) Whatever You Want

Attention all subway passengers: That omnipotent voice you hear announcing your arrival at Bleecker and beyond belongs to one Bernie Wagenblast and even if you've never heard of him, you've definitely heard him. And he's now taking requests for what you'd like to hear announced on your ride.
Day after day, Wagenblast's recording provides riders of the 1 - 6 trains with essential information regarding their daily commute — can you say, "boring?" Answering our appeal for a more amusing ride, Wagenblast will record and post some riders' submissions on the NYT City Room blog. What would you want to hear Bernie say? Some favorite contenders from City Room's comment section include a rap, a request for him to read passages from books, and a sarcastic, "New York is full today. Go home and come back tomorrow."
Naturally, we think little reminders of where our favorite shops' stops would be nice, but at this point anything is better than nothing so we won't be picky. As much as we doubt Bern will really take this to the next level, we appreciate the fact that he's taking requests at all (unlike some people… ) and we'd be thrilled with a simple, "You look amazing today!" (Is that so much to ask?)
Tell us what you'd like to hear over the subway loudspeaker in the comments below. (City Room)
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