Our Top Summer Picks Are All From Brands You've Never Heard Of

Have you ever fallen down a shopping rabbit hole? You know, when one awesome brand leads you to another with a similar aesthetic, and then another, and then another? That's basically what happens when we shop on Tictail, the easiest platform for discovering emerging brands from around the globe. Every two weeks, we're teaming up with the site to unearth a selection of brands you probably don't know about, but definitely should. Prepare to open a LOT of browser tabs.
The best part about fashion, if you ask me, is discovery — and being a catalyst to that simply through what I'm wearing. Sure, there's a certain level of simplicity that comes with telling someone my top is from Zara; everyone knows the retailer, and can thus run home, look up the product, and purchase it right then and there. The real fun, though, comes when I'm able to respond to inquiries with, "Oh, my dress is from a cool Swedish brand I discovered while visiting Stockholm," or "These pants are from a line dedicated to making clothes for petite women that aren't super-lame." They're conversation starters, if you will, and I feel like I've earned a little gold star when someone writes down the name of a label they're never heard of —especially when said labels are small, indie, and ones I think are truly special.
And that's my mission this summer: to help spread the word on designers that may not be huge, but are definitely worth knowing. Since Tictail is one of the best destinations for uncovering these hidden style gems, I swung by the Tictail Market in New York City and tried out some pieces from various under-the-radar brands from around the world. Click on to see some of my favorites, and let me know in the comments which labels you're most excited to get to know. Trust: It's never been more fun getting dressed in the morning than when you're wearing something you can't wait to tell someone all about.

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