Jetting Off This Summer? Here's What You Should Wear On The Plane

When it comes to packing, there are a few explicit rules that the experts swear by: roll, don't fold; check that you have underwear before you leave the house and don't dare bring more than 3 fluid ounces of liquid in your carry-on. With all those tasks on your to-do list, it's easy to overlook the most important aspect of any travel day: what you wear for the journey.
With flight delays becoming more and more frequent, you'll most likely end up waiting at the airport for hours, roaming empty terminals (think Tom Hanks in The Terminal) and letting a tired airline rep determine your fate. Now imagine dealing with all that while simultaneously wearing a pair of too tight jeans and sandals that pinch your feet.
To ensure that your next travel day is as stress free as possible, we went ahead and found 10 summer travel outfits that'll keep you cool and collected from takeoff to touchdown β€” and everywhere in between.
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