Is It Too Late Now To Say Sorry To The Products We Hated On?

It may not be fair, but it's human nature to judge books by their covers; Bumble matches by their hairlines; and beauty products by their price, color, or packaging. And Refinery29 editors admittedly do the latter in spades. But, deep down, we've done enough testing to know that just because something comes in a plastic bottle with a sticky label that peels at the corners, or happens to be sold by your mom's friends on Facebook, doesn't mean it's not amazing. Sometimes, it's just a slow build to those cartoonish hearts bursting in our eyes.
That was the case with the products ahead. We wrote them off at first, but when we finally gave them a chance, we fell in love and had to do something no one likes — admit how wrong we were and ask, Is it too late now to say sorry?

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