10 Easy Ways To Live A More Mindful Life

As we all know, small daily habits can really add up. Drinking plenty of water will get your skin glowing, while five minutes of morning meditation can make a day of meetings feel a lot less chaotic. That same approach holds true when it comes to the environment. Sure, there are dozens of big-picture steps you can take to drastically change your lifestyle, but that doesn’t mean you should discount the more realistic tweaks.
If moving off-grid and composting your egg shells isn’t in the cards, trust us, we get it. But as the saying goes, don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. Below, we’ve gathered 10 easy habits — from ditching daily plastics to opting for natural cotton fabrics instead of synthetics — that will have you well on your way. Incorporating even a couple of them into your regular routine can make a serious impact over time. And the best part? They won’t interfere with your busy schedule or feel unattainable even if you live in a concrete jungle.

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