This Instagram-Worthy Earring Brand Started, Well, By Accident

Welcome to our new bi-weekly column, Insta-Bait, where we highlight the brands taking over our feeds right now — because Instagram isn't just a place where we DM memes to our friends and double-tap our style icons' most on-point outfits, it's where we discover new labels on the regular.
No one knows the ins and outs of fashion brands quite like their publicists. But recently, Christina Tung, who founded the PR and creative agency House Of back in 2015, stumbled upon a new undertaking of her own when she decided to stop by a bead shop to get crafting one rainy afternoon. What she created — long, dangling earrings using a mix of semiprecious stones and found beads — quickly caught on among friends. What Tung didn't realize at that time was that in just a matter of weeks she'd be shooting the product, producing pieces on a regular basis, launching a website, and having talks with major retailers. Some successful sales and a few pep-talks, she officially launched SVNR. After years of representing other brands, Tung found herself with one foot on the other side of the industry with a jewelry label of her own.
SVNR is a perfectly photogenic, welcome change of pace from the chunky or minimal gold jewelry we've been seeing non-stop some time. All the earrings are made from found, re-used, up-cycled, and natural materials resulting in completely unique pieces inspired by Tung's personal travels. Her summer collection features special bead combinations in on-trend color palettes from neutrals to pastels, and of course, since it's the trend of the summer, some sea-shell details, to boot. The earrings are available as both singles and pairs, and we got a peek at the fall collection soon to come. Spoiler alert: It only gets better from here.
This brand may just be getting started (with a little less than 200 followers on the 'gram!), but its so Insta-worthy and editor-approved that we don't expect to see it slowing any time soon. Click ahead to check out the accidental-earring brand that's soon to be everywhere.

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