25 Food-Baby-Friendly Buys, Just In Time For Turkey Day

You’re sitting at Thanksgiving dinner. The rolls come around. Then, the turkey. Then, the stuffing. Then, the pie. Oh, and let's not forget the second servings we all help ourselves to. The result? That stomach (you might've been toning) will undoubtedly expand just a tad. All of those situps for nothing.
But, we're right there with you. This is one of those days when you can really enjoy yourself without worrying about calorie consumption. So, go on — relish in "National Binge-Eating Day." And, don't worry about your outfit, because you can stay comfortable and still look great.
But, since your snug cashmere sweater and extra-slim skinnies won’t cut it for that impending food baby, we’ve rounded up 25 super-stylish alternatives (oversize knits and elastic-waist pants included) that will give you just enough wiggle room when that second helping “magically” lands in front of you. Shop all of our comfy Turkey Day finds, right this way!